Abstract General Information

Título / Title


Introdução / Purpose

Report a case and discuss the topic.

Material e Método / Methods

ID: AMS, 33 years old, female, white. Chief complaint of dark spot on left eye visual field for fifteen days. PMH: unremarkable. POH: LASIK (3 years ago, to treat bilateral -5 myopia). Family disease: unremarkable. Ophthalmic examination- BCVA: OD 20/20 and OS 20/30p. IOP: 14/14mmHg. Normal pupillary reflexes. Anterior biomicroscopy: normal. Indirect ophthalmoscopy OD: normal. OS: well delimited optic disk, normal cup-to-disk ratio, yellowish macular lesion above the foveal center, with hemorragic spots, normal vessels, attached retina, without tears. There was no findings suggestive of high myopia. Complemetary exams: Fluorescein angiography showed a well-defined hyperfluorescent area corresponding to the choroidal neovascular membrane (CNVM). OCT shows intraretinal fluid which is consistent with an active CNVM. Serology: unremarkable.

Resultados / Results

Diagnostic hypotheses: idiopatic choroidal neovascular membrane. Management: an intravitreal injection (Lucentis) was performed. Clinical evolution: CNVM regression after one intravitreal injection. The patient has been followed for 6 months, with no recurrence of symptoms or signs of active membrane (as observed in retinography, angiography and OCT).

Discussão e Conclusões / Conclusion

CNVM developed in a young woman with no relevant past medical history or any other eye disease, constituting idiopathic CNVM. These membranes are usually unilateral. Visual outcomes are considered to be more favorable than in secondary CNVM.

Palavras Chave

Macular lesion; Retina; Optical Coherence Tomography; Retinography; Angiography




Federal University of Piauí - Piauí - Brasil


Lauana Teresa Sousa Noleto, Vitor Gomes Prado, Caroline Pinheiro Lima, Marcos José de Castro Lima Filho, Paulo Eduardo Muniz de Andrade, Rossana Fonseca Casimiro, Mariana Batista Gonçalves, Ricardo Coêlho Fontes