PURPOSE: Determine the epidemiological profile of newborns with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in the state of Pernambuco at the year 2016.
METHODS: Retrospective and observational study of newborns born in 07 maternities of the state of Pernambuco. Included preterm infants evaluated in the year 2016 with a gestational age of 32 weeks or less and/or low birth weight less than 1500g . Patients were submitted to fundoscopy after 4-6 weeks of birth. Patients with other causes of blindness were not included. Gender, gestational age and birth weight, time of oxygen therapy, stage of retinopathy, affected area and treatment were analyzed.
RESULTS: A total of 346 patients (692 eyes) were analyzed. Of these, 184 (53,2%) were male. There were 141 patients with ROP with mean gestational age of 29.1 weeks ± 2.7 (24-35). The mean birth weight in this group was 1097.3g ± 245.7 (600-1750). In patients with ROP, 42.6% received oxygen therapy, and 32.2% in newborns without ROP. Oxygen time was also higher, with a mean of 12.7 days ± 12.8 in patients with ROP and 7.2 days ± 8.1 in those without ROP. Of the patients with ROP, 268 eyes presented alterations, being 51.1% in stage 1 and zone III was the most frequent involvement with 49.3%. Disease Plus was present in 4.5%. Two hundred and forty-nine eyes (92.9%) did not require laser therapy. Through the chi-square test and considering a significant p-value
DISCUSSION: The variables gestational age, birth weight, oxygen therapy and time of oxygen therapy were statistically significant, demonstrating their relationship with the higher risk of developing ROP. Few patients required treatment and most had mild disease. The ROP shows a disease with preventable risk factors, allowing the reduction of its incidence.
retinopathy of prematurity, newborn
Fundação Altino Ventura - Pernambuco - Brasil
Fernanda Galvão Pinheiro, Luisa Dutra Medeiros, Adriana Oliveira Lima Gois, Felipe Patriota Alves